Saturday, August 8, 2009

Best Time of The Year

Everything is is Fresh

I love this time of the year. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are abundant and flavourful.

We just finished strawberry season and raspberry season and fresh locally grown corn on the cob is starting to appear at the farmstands along the roadsides. This week-end, the oldest fair in Ontario is held in Williamstown, ON, not far from our farm. When the girls were young we went every year. On our way home we would stop at the same farmer's stand and buy fresh picked corn on the cob, usually the first of the season. Supper on "Fair Day" would always be hamburgers on the barbecue and fresh corn with lots of butter.

We are lucky to live in Canada. We have a huge variety of Canadian produced foods that are well raised, safe to eat and affordable. Enjoy your supper tonight and buy local as often as you can.

I am also growing my own tomatoes and cucumbers this year. Gardening is not a passion of mine, but fresh tomatoes are! So far I have enjoyed a few fruits from my labours - four tomatoes and two cucumbers have made it to the table in the last week or so. My younger daughter is helping and absolutely thrilled to see the tomatoes, green and getting bigger by the day. Once the tomatoes start ripening, I'll post a couple of my favorite tomato recipes.

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